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Monday, April 5, 2010

"Running" through the forest with Max

(my status tonight on facebook)
'running through the forest with Max'
now imagine what you think that would look like.

Idealism: Me gracefully running with Max by my side as the wind whips through my hair, and the birds chirp in the distance on a cool spring evening.

Realism: Me being pulled by Max at an alarming speed through the forest down a very narrow and steep path full of rocks, mud, and what seemed to be an strikingly large amount of holes just big enough to be unavoidable. At this point there are several things going through my mind as I slip and slide several feet in the mud while being dragged down a particularly steep hill: Max is A LOT stronger than I thought a 31 pound puppy could ever be. How long can I realistically keep up this pace? I am going to get an awesome workout, and finally, where are we? These thoughts distract me from the fact that I seemed to have picked up quite a bit of speed going down, and the next thing I know, Max, who is sprinting as fast as he can pull me, naturally comes to a complete halt to smell a shrub. At this pace, there is no stopping me, however, and in mid-air as I fly over him, I wonder: How did this happen?

In spite of all that, the entire time I couldn't stop laughing. I was almost wishing someone were watching this so at least my comedy of errors could be a form of entertainment. Truth be told, I was having just as much fun as Max was having. In retrospect, the only part of the ideal description that was true was the part about the wind whipping through my hair, which it did... but so did the bugs...through my teeth. Maybe next time smile with my mouth closed. Though it may sound crazy, I will definitely be doing this again. If I knew that all I needed for hilarity to ensue was my dog, his leash, and a big forest, I would have done this a long time ago. I'm canceling my membership with L.A. Fitness. I mean really, what more could ever I hope for in a workout?

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