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Saturday, March 19, 2011

This...feels like home.

It happened. That unexplainable moment when you suddenly feel like your house just became a home. It doesn't last for very long, but last Wednesday I stopped just long enough to soak it in and stand in complete and utter joy and peace while simultaneously thanking God for blessing me with my family,my job, my house, and for the memories from last Wednesday night that will last forever:

A few people silently using all their concentration to come up the that perfect move in a close game of Blockus in the dining room. Two handfuls of people shamelessly dancing their hearts out on the living room floor to ridiculously funky moves trying to get the best score at just dance.

A few people lounging on the couch playing twenty questions and just "being". The occasional kid running through the kitchen to get another handful of chips and fresh strawberries. A cup of soda spilled on the floor. Seven of us against Maximus running and diving as fast as we can to try and get his toy tire from his mouth, and failing miserably that we laugh so hard we cry.

Watching priceless expressions as each person rides the zip line in our backyard, hearing the cheers of approval for their successful attempt, and even louder cheers for the not so successful. Practicing worship songs on guitars outside in spite of the wind trying to blow away all our papers, not having enough light to see all the chords on the pages, and trying to change the chords we don't know to ones that sound like they fit.

Sitting in a huge circle around the fire pit singing and learning hymns. A moment of group reflection mixed with really funny insight by one of the younger kids as we all listen and unsuccessfully try to remain serious. Roasting smores, guitar sing- alongs at the top of our lungs, huge dance party under the lights on the back porch, and laying on the grass in a huge pile to look at the stars. This...feels like home.

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