Meet Fluffy. Fluffy is famous in our neighborhood for getting out of his backyard and roaming the forest. I have heard his owner calling him many times (that's a whole story in itself), but I have never actually seen the famous fluffy until today.

Maximus had a wonderful time playing with fluffy, even thought it was through the fence. You could tell they desperately wanted to play with each other. They would just run back and forth about a million times and stop and sniff each other, get real close, and then run to the other side and do it again.
This was cute and all, but my favorite part was how fluffy, this tiny little dog, went right up to the dog next door (who is really scary and barks constantly at EVERYONE) and gave the "big scary dog" a run for his money. Fluffy sure knows how to bark, and scared a dog about five times it's size all the way to the other side of the yard. This was pretty funny, and Max (who didn't bark at all through the whole thing) just stood there totally still, in great suspense as this happened,obviously rooting for fluffy. What can I say, Maximus is lover and not a fighter, but even so I think he enjoyed the show almost as much as I did.

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