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Saturday, May 15, 2010

A list of recent firsts

Did I mention we bought the house? God is good and we are so blessed. We move in this weekend. There have been so many generous people that have shown Christ to us through their generosity.

Organized a prom- So much work but sooooo worth it :)

Felt like a bad mom for not spending enough time with my dog- Trying to paint multiple rooms + trying to spend time with your dog at the same time do not compliment each other.

Being totally inspired by my husband's home-owner handyman skills. Seriously, how does he do all that stuff?? Ladies, you should be jealous :)

Walking into a store with safety goggles on...and not caring one bit

Coordinated and catered a networking luncheon for a group of psychologists- I love helping people succeed at what they love

Got my first chemical burn- All I have to say is whoever actually painted over our perfectly good bath tiles must have been on drugs. Note to self: NEVER paint over tiles...getting it off is not only ridiculously time consuming, but also dangerous and can potentially kill you...(one doesn't soon forget the feeling of their flesh burning on their arm) The acid won the fight...but I won the war. Take THAT bathroom tile.

Paint Stripper Twelve step program

Step one: Picking at a few peeling tiles
Step two: Being convinced by my mom and husband that paint would come off the tiles and that the tiles underneath the paint were worth fighting for
Step three: Really really messy orange goo that turned into orange room
Step four: (eight hours later) decide orange goo isn't winning and need to change strategies if I want to finish project this year.
Step Five: Finding the courage to buy real paint stripper, and reading the warning label in horror.
Step Six: Day dreaming about all the awful ways I could die from paint stripper.
Step Seven: Procrastinating as long as possible because I am afraid of the paint stripper.
Step Eight: Screaming in terror while running to kitchen with arm burning because while scraping, I accidentally rested my arm on the wall which coincidentally was covered in paint stripper.
Step Nine: Realizing that my skin was still there,that the burning goes away,and finding new courage to attack the bathroom tile like a somewhat crazy person.
Step Ten: More or less getting most of the paint off and building some serious arm muscles in the process.
Step Eleven: Removing the tape to find the wall paint and side of bath peeled off. We will have to repaint the bathroom, but we would have done it eventually anyway. At least that is what I'm telling myself.
Step Twelve: Promising myself that I would not use that horrid paint stripper again unless it was a life or death situation.

This concludes the twelve step program.

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