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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Notes to self

I'm in a hurry to get things done.
Oh I rush and rush until that's no fun.
All I really gotta do is live and die,
but I'm in a hurry and don't know why.

SLOW DOWN. That is the phrase I repeat to myself over and over these days. As I was giving myself a mental pep talk, I started thinking there are a lot of really simple things I loose sight of when things get stressful or busy.

My dad has had a list of "rules for life" on the refrigerator for as long as I can remember. I decided to start one of my own. This is only the beginning of what will surely be a novel when is is completed. At least I have something to help me remind myself what matters when I need it most. I'm aware that these will be completely random. I will categorize later.

Notes to self: Chapter One

Being stressed about what is five steps ahead will inevitably make you miss opportunities in the present moment. Do not worry about tomorrow. That's what trusting God is all about. Prepare for tomorrow, but live fully and passionately today.

Drink in life. Each moment has the potential to be infinitely rich with God's wonder and grace. Look for God in every moment and he will be there just waiting for you. Every color does dazzle and every light does blaze. It's all about looking at the sunset long enough to be in awe of the painter who took so much care just for our viewing pleasure. Don't let God's artistic genius go unappreciated. It's like when you spend all day cleaning the house for someone you love and they don't even notice.

Life is too short to be resentful or bitter. Besides the fact that it is so exhausting to try and stay mad, it is such a greater challenge to find God's beauty in everyone. Remember that he made them, and they too were made in HIS image. Like Mother Teresa did, look for Christ in everyone, and by serving them you are serving Christ himself.

Forgive easily and don't be afraid to apologize first. There is no rule that says if you're "right" the other person should apologize first. A relationship is so much more important than winning a fight. Chances are that if you feel like you are "winning" a fight, it is really the devil who is winning because he is tearing your relationship apart and hardening your heart against the other person with pride and stubbornness. Don't let him win. Turning the other cheek and letting Christ heal your relationship with that person is the true victory, not to mention showing the devil he has no control over you; It is God rules your life, not sin.

Be patient with yourself. God is not done with you yet. Though it seems at every corner you are letting yourself down and failing your own expectations, remember that God does not expect you to be perfect. He does expect that you get back up, take what you have learned, and try again to be more like him. God intended for us to work hard. Never give up. Never surrender.

Don't forget the best drug ever: laughter. Laugh until your ribs hurt and then some or you are literally about to pee your pants...often. Don't take yourself seriously, and if you can genuinely laugh at yourself, life will be a lot more pleasant...I mean, come know you must do pretty funny things sometimes (and not on purpose.) Heaven forbid you ever become a "serious" person. :)

Take that opportunity to help someone in need. I can vividly remember those times that either someone helped me when I was in desperate need of help, or I was given the chance to help someone else like that. At first it may seem like a nuisance to have to stop what you are doing and possibly delay your plans, but on a day to day basis, you will be able to do so much more if your plans are not so rigid you can't help carry something for an elderly woman, or help push some random guy's car across the parking lot to the car shop. We shouldn't have to know someone to be willing to love them. Besides, we do know them; they are a child of God and therefore more than worthy of all the love and compassion we have to offer. These are the moments that we open the door for God to work in their lives in amazing ways. Show them love that is not of this world, and regardless of the reaction they have, that is how Christ's army separates themselves; that is how we fight.

That's all for now.

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