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Thursday, February 10, 2011

A lesson in failure

I can't stop laughing. I don't know why my Twitter experience was so funny, but I just keep thinking about how hard I tried to make it work, how miserably I failed, and it just makes me laugh even harder. It's like laughing at yourself after you trip really badly. You laugh at yourself after you trip, but then you picture what you must have looked like when you tripped and you laugh even more. You can't really explain it, but it's just...funny.

Initially when hearing about Twitter, I thought, "That sounds really cool, but I don't have a use for that". I was right. Someone told me at the beginning of my experience to figure out what I wanted to use it for. I think the problem was that I never did find a use.

What I did do was feel like a huge loser because I was desperately looking for friends that
a)I actually wanted to follow and hear what they had to say
b)would follow my tweet so I wasn't talking to myself

...that's when I realized... It just all comes down to where your people are...and my people don't use twitter.

Twitter people

People that have exciting lives-My life isn't exciting enough to update people all the time about my current location-If I did, my twitter feed would look something like this:

12:01"washing dishes"

1:30 "rewashing dish that didn't get clean in cycle". Failure.

People that inform a group of people about upcoming events- Potentially this could be great to use with my youth, but I could only find one of them on twitter, and she had her profile locked (smart girl- makes a youth leader proud). In general the youth use facebook for EVERYTHING. I ended up using twitter to post on facebook...? Failure.

People that keep up with current events- I love "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me", but that doesn't mean I'm good at it." Failure.

People that network with other people that are on twitter-...Failure.

Really funny people- I would not consider myself really funny. If I'm funny, it is mostly by accident. Being really funny all the time is also really tiring.

and then there's me:

People who really want to like Twitter and wish they had a use for it...but just don't.

One of my wonderful youth, Rachel, posted this quote today on her facebook, and I would like to end this post with these words.

"Failure. Learn to do it and learn to do it well. It's the only way you get better at anything."

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