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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Best related post widget for Blogger

The Problem: I wanted to add a related post gadget/widget for Blogger to easily help people find posts on my blog relating to the one they were currently reading. Everything I tried was either extremely complicated (past my knowledge level), had completely incorrect or old code, almost worked but had errors, or had so many steps I wanted to cry. Blogger didn't offer a "related post" gadget option, so I was on my own.

The Solution: After about two hours of searching, reading, copy/pasting, and FAILING MISERABLY, I finally came across this clean, simple, and virtually stress-free way of adding related posts to my blog. It's beautiful, easy to use, and literally takes about two minutes to do EVERYTHING. Finally. I wish I had come across this two hours ago, and maybe I would have more hair left. Please click below to save yourself hours of time, energy, and a huge headache. No need to explain anything, because, SURPRISE!, THIS website actually HAS code that smoothly as butter. No copying/pasting needed. Case closed. Use Linkwithin. Save yourself some hair.


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