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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A job worth writing about

As I talked about in my last post, I recently got a job working in a photography studio part-time. Needless to say, anywhere you get to spend a good chunk of time with random people,(kids in particular), chances are you have A LOT of 'interesting' experiences.

I will no doubt be sharing many, many 'interesting' stories from my adventures at the studio, but before I do, I want to share a piece of why I love it. I think so often we hear only the negative side to so many jobs, because that's what we end up talking about with each other...Our worst days with the crazies, the attitudes,and the people that push us to our breaking point. We always seem to remember all the terrible things that happen, when there is also so much love and beauty that never gets talked about. Why don't the tabloids talk about amazing things that people are doing? Why doesn't the news focus more on inspiring people rather than scaring people? Well, if they did that, people might actually get inspired, stop reading the tabloids, stop watching the news, and go live their OWN lives...and we can't have that.

I love my job. I love my job because I love seeing all the parenting techniques (and lack thereof). I love getting to act like I'm five and crawling around on the floor making crazy sounds to make kids laugh. I love helping people see how beautiful their family really is. Yes, I love the photography too, but I love the people more. It sounds pretty mushy, but I love the chance for just a moment in the life of that family, or kid, or expecting mama, to share with them the love of Christ. To help families remember what it means to play and have fun together, to help parents connect with their kids, to remind couples what it feels like to gaze at each other, and to help expecting mamas see and believe how beautiful they are despite what they come in thinking about themselves. People ask me all the time if I get commission for the photos I shoot and sell, and are shocked and sometimes horrified when I tell them I don't. It's a funny question to me, because if it were for the money alone, I wouldn't be there; nonetheless everyday I leave a rich woman, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with my paycheck.

My name is Sarah, and I love my job.

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