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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ms. Frizzle

Today I started wearing reading glasses. I have actually had them for about six months and they have just been sitting in the office collecting dust. I'm not sure if I didn't want to admit to myself that I need help seeing, or if I was just too lazy too go and get them every time I read, but it wasn't until today, after having terrible headaches all week, that I finally sucked it up and actually started to wear them. Wearing them now, the only way I picture myself is as Ms. Frizzle from the magic school bus, with a bright yellow dress with lizards all over it. Great.
In other news it's been almost a year exactly since I have written last (hence the rusty writing technique). It's funny how because I can't think of particular things that happened last year off the top of my head and they aren't written here, it's almost as if they didn't if my life was on hold for a year and now I'm picking it back up again. Yet that couldn't be further from the truth. In reality so so much has happened that it would be impossible to try and cram it all into one post, so I won't even attempt. I will simply start anew, with today, the day I started wearing reading glasses and reminding myself of Ms. Frizzle. "Seatbelts everyone!"

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