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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Campfire smell

My house smells like a campfire. Last night we had some of the kids over for a costume party, cookout, and movie night. One of my favorite things in the whole world is having my house full of people, specifically kids. I can't really describe it, but it just feels...right. Maybe I'm just really maternal, I don't know, but feeling like people are comfortable in my house and that they like being there and let me take care of them means so much to me.
It feels really good to use all the parts of the house the way we always hoped we would (for instance using all our patio chairs around the fire, plus the metal ones I spray painted fun colors, PLUS the three extra wood folding chairs we use in the dining room when more than six people are in there...which is almost always). God has blessed us with a great house for hospitality, and I love using every inch of it for just that. There is just something so satisfying about having my house lived in. Where you can actually use the appliances and furniture and not just look at them. When we have people house sit for us, (and for anybody that comes to our house really), I always make a point to show them how to use all the gadgets (we have a thing for fun appliances) and tell them to USE THEM so they don't feel like things are "off limits". I don't think there is anything wrong with having nice things, but what's the point if they just sit there? If the things I have are so nice that I or anyone else is scared to use them...there is a problem. If I want to look at stuff I can't use I'll go to a museum, thanks. You know what...and if it breaks. It's just stuff anyway, right? So, all that to say, my house smells like a campfire. A used, loved, lived-in, campfire, and I LOVE IT. Yeah, it will probably take a few days for the smell to go away, but every time I open the door and smell that smell...I will be reminded of all the kids watching movies on our couches in their marshmallow roasting, campfire smelling clothes. I will be reminded of Maximus having the time of his life with so many friends around him that are giving him way too much attention and sneaking him treats. I will be reminded of campfire stories, my husband laughing his belly laugh, and that one spilled soda. I will smell that smell, roll my eyes a tiny bit, and smile.

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