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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The First Sunday

I miss the noise. If you have ever been a youth leader you know exactly where your kids are because you can always hear them. Always. Laughing, yelling, and generally just being too loud for most adults. As a new youth leader this is somewhat striking and even intimidating. Pretty soon though, it's like music. No really. Something about the noise, the voices, the symphony of hearts and souls all coming together is just beautiful.
For the first time this morning, we didn't walk through the doors carrying large amounts of donuts. We didn't casually greet so many on our way to and from classrooms, didn't hurry here and there around the church talking with people, hugging, sharing, being. We didn't order pizza, do waffle prayers, clean up the youth rooms, or shut any doors as to not disturb the neighboring classes with our singing. We didn't walk into a room full of faces and hearts that we recognize. These past few months, I have been just sitting in every moment while it lasted, soaking up every smile, emotion, and memory knowing that today would come. The kids would look at me strangely and ask if I was okay. I would nod, smile, and drink in that moment too knowing this day was waiting. It has come. It is here...and I miss the noise.

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