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Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I had a lot of great memories over Christmas with family in town, but one of my favorites was a very simple moment with my brother and his daughter. We were playing at the park and I was trying to get a good picture of my little niece. We (grandma, my bother, and I) kept trying to get her to look this way, hold still, no wait the other way, etc. and had basically given up and decided to just hang out.
Just then my brother went and sat down on this huge tire to take a break and just sit. So naturally his daughter just walks over and sits next to him. And they sit...and look at each other...and then they sit some more; and as life seems to do so often, as soon as we quit trying, it happens. As she is sitting there this huge smile slowly creeps across her face and she says quietly, "happy"...and then she just keeps saying happy for the next few minutes or so giggling and laughing with her daddy. This picture will always remind me of that moment. Happy. Well put little one, well put.

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