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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Watching the fire

This year I will watch the fire more. Here I sit, with my hot tea waiting for the next load of laundry to be done, Maximus sleeping on his bed, staring at the fire on this rainy day as my Jane Eyre pandora station serenades me, wondering, "why don't I make more time for THIS?!" I can say that with very few exceptions, sitting by the fire for 20 minutes does my heart more good than 20 minutes on facebook or instagram does. The internet sucks me in, and the next thing I know, an HOUR has gone by, and my life is none the better for it. Mostly I just end up looking at what other people are doing with their lives rather than living my own. Well, enough of that. I want to live; to drink in each day and enjoy it like I'm enjoying this cup of tea. I want to live a purposefully simple life.

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